Ballot Form for the 2025 HOA Election is now available!
Click here to download and print a copy! See the candidate statements here!
PLEASE NOTE: Only PAID PDAW MEMBERS are eligible to vote. If you are not a current member, you may submit your payment via Zelle, cash, check, or PayHOA (new feature—see page 1), along with the ballot below on Saturday, March 15.
Two convenient drop-off locations and times: SOUTH SECTION: 245th Street and Broadwell Ave. (10 a.m.—1 p.m.) CENTRAL/NORTH: Ashbridge between Pasatiempo and Stonebryn (10 a.m.—1 p.m.)
VOTE BY MAIL INSTRUCTIONS • Only one (1) ballot per household is allowed. • Complete the ballot below and place it inside an envelope. Write “BALLOT” on the outside of the envelope, and seal it closed. Place the sealed envelope marked “BALLOT” inside a second envelope, then seal. Write your name and home address in the upper left-hand corner of the envelope. Address the envelope to Palo Del Amo Woods Homeowners Association, PO Box 661, Harbor City, CA 90710. Place proper first-class postage on envelope and mail. Ballots must be postmarked by March 14, 2025.